Saving Independent Practice and the Care Patients Trust

We make practicing medicine in the independent setting the default option for all physicians.

doctors smiling
What is Meroka

Meroka is a Provider-Owned Medical Group.
Providers own and operate their practices independently.

Our platform provides a pathway for generational transfer of ownership, and provides support & scale advantages that traditionally were only available to large corporate health systems.

Renewing the Power of Independent Practice

Financial Stability

Gain financial stability to continue innovating and providing care and jobs in your community.


Maintain the autonomy you need to protect the patient-provider relationship, focus on medicine, and uncompromisingly adhere to the highest ethical standards.


Leverage an alternative to the corporatization of healthcare that enhances your power to negotiate, problem-solve, and provide personalized, cost-effective care.

people walking
doctor on computer

We Understand Your Challenges

As an independent practice provider, you are facing:

An Uneven Playing Field

Costs are rising and payor reimbursements are falling during a moment of increased healthcare sector consolidation. It is simply too difficult for independent practices to compete.

Unsustainable Administrative Burdens

Provider burnout is high because doctors are spending more time on paperwork and less time with patients. You are drowning in complexity.

The Corporatization of Healthcare

The pressure to join a big health system is real, but selling a practice reduces autonomy, hastens burnout, diminishes patient care, weakens community, and undermines legacies.

The Meroka Solution


Our shared ownership structure preserves your autonomy while offering access to capital needed to improve care in your community.


We alleviate your administrative load, allowing you to work at your full potential. From back office management and contracting to regulatory compliance and credentialing, we can help.


Access to a community of like-minded physicians fosters a collegial environment where ideas can be exchanged and serves as a valuable resource for clinical decision-making


Our digital technology solutions level the playing field and ensure your practice will get reimbursed quickly and at an optimized reimbursement rate.

What Physicians Say About Us

As a physician deeply committed to the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship, I firmly believe in maintaining the independence of my practice. It's not just about autonomy; it's about preserving the essence of personalized care that is threatened in the face of private equity acquisitions.
Adam Brown

Dr. Adam Brown

Founder & Chief Medical Officer, ABIG Health

Physicians practicing independently can truly put patients first. Many programs exist to incentivize good outcomes, but as long as fee-for-service reimbursement dominates, patient volume and referrals will supersede outcomes. Independence lets physicians put patients first, every single time.
Eric Bricker

Dr. Eric Bricker

Founder & Chief Medical Officer, AHealthcareZ